Listening to Our Children

Our children are speaking to us, on a societal level, in more ways than one. They may be trying to express themselves in their words, or in their moods and silences--but when that has failed, we are now hearing from them through their suicides, in increasing acts of violence in schools ... and on the streets. I have heard in the last month, not just from the media but from friends and colleagues, of more young suicides in communities of amazing wealth (Silicon Valley) and then in Native American reservations with high levels of poverty. Some of these as young as 10-years-old.

A time of life that should be filled with joy, wonder and discovery is more and more succumbing to the pressures of a cultural or societal depression (sometimes masked by drugs & alcohol, or by frenzied ambition). This depression is partly the child of poverty and racism (and the thoughts that can arise from such), and now more so, the afflictions of a materially comfortable culture that has not found its way to true gratitude and fulfillment.

State of mind is the key here. Thinking. Thought is at the root of everything. At the root of hope and at the root of the despair. Seeing through Thought, and then discovering what lies beneath. This is the key. I have seen it work again and again, in kids who have everything, and in kids who are locked up in juvenile hall. Their greatest resource is still within them. It is them.



As adults, if we can discover this resource in ourselves, we will naturally share it freely with children. We become the role models for well-being. This is our greatest task--and what a wonderful task!

I have the opportunity today to offer a free and immediate resource along these lines--a free Tele-Seminar that begins Dec. 1 with some of the best helpers and teachers on the planet. Please go to this link and see for yourself. An immediate way to help children. An immediate way to help ourselves. 

All recordings will also be available from this site afterwards for a fee.

With Love,


Ami Chen MillsComment